German federal governement to insulate buildings

germany.jpgGermany is willing to tackle the millions local buildings that are lacking insulation. This will lead to savings of nearly half of the energy consumed by this sector by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels).

The goal of the Federal Government is to insulate every year five percent of total housings and buildings.

This would concern the buildings buit before 1978, as the ones built after this date are considered already energy efficient.

Indeed, Germany launched after the two oil shocks new regulations in order to consume less energy in buildings .This important and interesting plan will also tackle non-residential buildings such as offices. All aspects such as lightning, heating, air conditioning (when necessary) and so on will be part of the plan.

Financial helps will be provided to the partakers. The money allocated by the German Federal Government for such plans are of one billion Euros per year for the period 2006 to 2009. In the previous period – from 2001 to 2005 – it was of 360 millions Euros per year.

On top of these aids, a local bank, KfW, gives subventions that are reaching 6.9 billions Euros for the first semester of 2006. The bank get its money back on the energy savings from which households and companies benefit with time.

The bank lends money and households or companies pay back with the money they save on their energy bills. These calculations are very interesting for both parties.

As the building sector is responsible for a huge part of the global energy consumption and greenhouse gases emissions , it is to me good news that Germany – the most populated country in Europe – is tackling in an even more important way this topic.

Germany already has a policy concerning accomodation and the building sector in general, but the new regulations will increase even more the preponderance of energy saving mechanisms.

Source en Français :

Article provenant d’Actu-environnement.

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