First article I wrote for Focus on Sherlock

Reading some of my articles elsewhere is now possible as my good friend Sherlock kindly asked me to write on ecology and sustainable development for his blog.

Sherlock is a photography enthusiast and his pictures are just mesmerizing. The latest version of his blog, Focus on Sherlock puts more emphasis on his works.

My first article there is about batteries as those little things are everywhere from our mobile phones to our cameras and as they are responsible of an important pollution

To reduce this, we have two different possibilities :

  • The first solution that comes to the mind is simple : recycling. By deposing your used batteries in in recycling centres or some shops that propose you to take care of your used batteries, you will avoid them going to landfills where they will
  • The second solution is to use rechargeable batteries. These ones can be recharged up to 500 times and will thus cause a pollution which is 500 times less.

To learn out more, and to see great pictures, I strongly recommend you visiting Sherlock’s homepage. Please add it to your bookmarks and or to your RSS feeds as I will write many other articles with time on this website. I will of course keep you updated with future posts.

As Sherlock asked me to find an avatar for my articles on his blog, my choice went to a picture from Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson notorious comics. As a fan, I reviewed here the complete Calvin and Hobbes on a previous cultural break.

2 thoughts on “First article I wrote for Focus on Sherlock”

  1. Il faudrait que tu tiennes informé les abonnés de ton blog à chaque nouveau billet que tu posteras chez Sherlock, pour ceux qui sont abonnés à ton blog mais pas à celui de Sherlock, qui est en français et qui n’intéressera pas tous tes lecteurs.

    You should keep the subscribers of your blog informed at each new entry that you will post on Sherlock’s blog, for those who subscribe at your blog but not to Sherlock’s blog, which is in French and may not interest all of your readers.

  2. Merci Moe de ton commentaire. 😀

    C’est en effet prévu que je tienne au courant mes lecteurs de ce que je posterai sur le blog de Sherlock…

    Moe is right, each and every time I will write on Sherlock’s blog, I will write a short post here to keep you posted.

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