Can the USA get 100 % of their electricity by clean energies ?

If you don’t read US environmental blogs, you may not know that yesterday Al Gore issued a speech that may become as historical as JFK’s one on sending a man on the Moon.

Indeed, the former Vice President proposes to produce a 100 percent of the country’s electricity by low carbon energies within ten years. A fantastic goal.

Doing in ten years such a thing – shifting the totality of electricity sources to low carbon solutions – is a HUGE project that will require a lot of money and people.

As I stated on Marguerite’s blog :

100 percent of energy from renewable energies is simply impossible, and in only ten years, even more…Look at how Germany is working on these energy sources. They still represent a tiny fraction of their energy mix. Renewable energies aren’t perfect either...

But, aren’t the United States used to making the impossible possible ? Indeed, which nation could have stated in 1961 that they would send a man on our satellite by the end of the decade and actually succeed ?

And even if the goal is not achieved but ” only ” 50 percent of electricity in the USA are made by renewable energies by 2028, isn’t it a goal that has to be approved ? Isn’t it a plan that is worth supporting ?

Of course, this will need to work fully on energy conservation, and even perhaps nuclear power. In any case, any plan of making American electricity relying less on coal-fired plants got my full support.

(Please note that current US electricity is made of 50 percent coal, by far the most polluting and greenhouse gases emitting solution with up to a kilogram of carbon dioxide per kilo-watt per hour)

In any case, I invite you to watch the video below. Al Gore is back and I am more than glad about that as I have been a supporter of the US Vice President since I watched an Inconvenient Truth.

You can find the full speech in video right here… (nearly 30 minutes)

For further data, please check :

2 thoughts on “Can the USA get 100 % of their electricity by clean energies ?”

  1. Pingback: Sustainable development and much more… » Could both sides - and plans - work hands in hands ?

  2. I just love it that he sets such a bold target.

    In fact, this is a new Gore for me. I’ve always seen Gore as a spokesperson for climate scientists, now I also consider him a spokesperson for me.

    I think it’s also much better than the 350 campaign, because this only is about a limit. This about working to get there. He basically says we can solve our problems through hard work, and that’s what I believe in too.

    Before the speech, I’ve always considered myself “leaderless”, now I’m really glad that I can say: This is my man. The details don’t really matter that much to me. It’s the underlying message what counts.

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