The story of stuff… a mandatory video ?

For the past few months, I have been reading about this video without never watching it. After a comment on La Marguerite Blog, I decided to do so.

In 20 minutes or so, I learned a lot about the true cost and life cycle of the stuff we buy year after year and how this excessive phenomenon endangers our planet and very survival.

I don’t agree with everything stated by Annie Leonard, but I believe nonetheless that it should be watched by all to better grasp the consequences of consumerism.

Here is the full video :

I agree on many things, including how our linear system is doomed in our limited world. This is logical, however, some people never thought about it, or rather don’t want to think about it…

I  also share the expressed views on obsolescence, whether planned or perceived. Let me exemplify this: In the early 1980s, my dad bought one of the first Sony CD players. It is still working today. It is a bit big, but it still does its job fine.

Then, in the 2000s, I bought another Sony CD player for my personal use as I studied in Dublin. It worked two years and then… it went to the trash as it couldn’t be repaired or else.

I don’t watch much television as I think I have better ways to spend the free time I have. This includes having a good time with my friends and family, swimming and reading a good book.

I thus totally agree with Annie Leonard on how watching too much of it is bad. Let us spend more time with our families, friends and relatives rather than alone watching a screen at home.

Now the things that I don’t agree a 100 percent.  I thought some figures seem to be too big. Yet, I changed my mind after reading the sources of the documentary. You can download them there.

I hope you liked this article and look forward to reading from your comments…

2 thoughts on “The story of stuff… a mandatory video ?”

  1. Pingback: We’re responsible for a third of China’s pollution

  2. Pingback: The Story of Cosmetics :: Sustainable development and much more

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