The many advantages of biking

Albert Einstein on a bike.TreeHugger recently wrote  a compelling article on the benefits of biking and I couldn’t resist sharing it with you, even less with such a brilliant illustration. Indeed, if the brightest mind of the 20th century rode one, why shouldn’t we ?

Among the benefits are weight lost, slowed breathing and lower amounts of stress. Now our communities just need more bicycle paths to allow people to ride more safely to destination.

But biking is also the single most energy efficient transportation mean and  there are many more benefits this activity for your life and your whole community.

The International Bicycle Fund also provides a list of advantages provided by cycling :

  • Biking is therapeutic for the mind and spirit, it is fun and can make you happy ;
  • Cycling is therapeutic for the cardio-vascular system, live healthier ;
  • Regular bicycling helps with personal weight management ;
  • Allows the rider to appreciate the more of the nuances of the natural and built environment around them ;
  • Your commute will be the best part of your day instead of the worst part of your day ;
  • Save on the membership to a health club, get your exercise bicycling to work, school, shopping, etc ;
  • Bicycling in your neighborhood is a great way to meet your neighbors and build community ;
  • Easier and cheaper parking ;
  • Cycling reduces dramatically air pollution and greenhouse gases emissions.

Here is a calculation demonstrating how biking is the most energy efficient transport mean :

A bicyclist burns about 25 Calories per mile.  One large egg supplies 80 Calories.   A cyclist can travel about three miles on the energy of one egg.

A person walking would require three eggs to go the same distance.

A loaded bus requires the equivalent of two dozen eggs for each person it carries three miles.

A train requires the equivalent of three dozen eggs for each person it carries three miles.

A car that gets 12.5 miles per gallon requires the equivalent of seven dozen eggs to carry one person three miles.

Even if you double the miles per gallon and double the occupancy a car will still use the equivalent of twenty-one eggs to make the trip — more than twenty times a bicycle.

In a world where energy scarcity is increasing, I guess this little calculation could convert more than one to bike for short distances.

TreeHugger’s the full article.

Enjoy, wear a helmet and ride safely !

3 thoughts on “The many advantages of biking”

  1. Canadian here, once an avid biker, on my 18 speed trail model, now reduced by a bad stroke to a three wheeled, 6 speed “grocery getter” I will certainly miss my new “Trike” when Winter snows set in and I walk, cane in hand, four months at least! At My age, only a few summer seasons left, but I love it so! Gave up my cars over twenty years ago when first stroke took my driver’s license and a piece of my humanity away, but found substitutes with bikes, trikes, digital camera, and the internet – my daily friend, and companion in these silver-haired years – Peace to mankind, and, in my “Post-Materialist” years, I assure you, the rewards are even greater, human appreciation lies in the heart and depends on perception, neither price, quantity, nor novelty, quality. Grow a garden to get close to Mother Nature, even a potted plant will do. She will know your body soon. Live each day like it was your last. It may be. Love, always, and first!

  2. Pingback: Bikes are as important as cars :: Sustainable development and much more

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