The Grenelle could create up to 600,000 jobs

The Grenelle Les Echos [Fr], the French leading financial newspaper brought my attention to a study published by the Boston Consulting Group stating that the Grenelle de l’environnement could create up to 600,000 jobs in France in the very next years.

The majority of the job creations are due to occur in the building sector as up to 20 million of apartments and houses need to be retrofitted in our country. The transportation and renewable energies would add  most of the other jobs.

But this study doesn’t stop there as it also notes that greenhouse emissions would decrease by 2020 by 27 % compared to 2005 levels, or 14 percent by 1990 levels.

50 percent of these cuts would occur by replacing thermal energy sources by renewables, another 25 percent of these cuts would be provided by the thermal insulation of buildings.

On the 450 billion euros ($620 billion) of financig required by 2020, 170 will be provided by the State at both national and local levels. 225 billion will be paid by the energy conservation measures and their savings.

As the study also explained the consumption of thermal energy sources (mainly oil and natural gas) would be decreased by a quarter. This is good news as energy prices are due to rise again soon.

All this occurs as French people are betting on green growth and green economy to get the country out of the current economic crises.

It is also worth mentioning that the eco-loans are a big success as 10,000 eco loans have been signed in the two first months. the French government would like to have 100,000 loans the first year and to stabilize to 400,000 afterwards. More at Enerzine [Fr]

Download the full report (2.0 Mo) via the official website of the French environment Ministry.

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