A great project for US high speed rail

Future-high-speed-rail-USA-2030I previously noted that the United States have a plan of creating ten high speed rail corridors by 2020. Even if this is a good idea, it isn’t enough as it won’t enable Americans to travel from coast to coast.

This might be done by 2030 according to the US High Speed Rail Network which advocates the building of 17,000 miles (27,000 km) of high speed rail which would enable trains to go as fast as 220 mph (355 kmph).

The map above shows what the network could look like by 2030. The US would by then have a similar network to its European counterpart. A bright prospect that deserves our support.

As the official website notes, the benefits would be multiple:

Creates millions of green jobs nationwide building the new rail infrastructure and manufacturing the rail cars

Pays for itself by significantly reducing our $700 billion a year oil purchase trade deficit

A major step toward solving global warming by reducing our oil consumption and emissions

Drastically reduces our oil addiction and lowers our risk from the coming peak oil crisis

Lowers our dependence on costly military operations securing oil flow around the world

Lowers our national security risk, and ends wars for oil

Freedom from oil – Powered by clean electricity from renewable energy sources:  wind, solar, geothermal, ocean/tidal

Safe, affordable, green transportation for everyone

Saves lives (43,000 Americans die each year in car accidents)

Provides efficient mobility that moves people and goods without delay and waste.

Puts in place a high quality infrastructure setting us up for prosperity, mobility, efficiency, and a sustainable future

It lays the foundation for building walkable, affordable green communities surrounding the train stations

Makes cities more livable, safe, healthy, and beautiful by removing cars, traffic, noise, pollution, and parking lots

Via TreeHugger

2 thoughts on “A great project for US high speed rail”

  1. Pingback: China’s huge high speed rail project :: Sustainable development and much more

  2. Pingback: Can China build three fast rail transcontinental networks ? :: Sustainable development and much more

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