A bad omen for the Cancun climate talks

You may not remember it, but the Copenhagen climate talks will be followed by a series of conferences in Cancun, Mexico between November 29 and December 10. Contrary to Copenhagen, little is currently said about the preparations.

And the media aren’t encouraging. To AP : ” In two days of talks, major economic powers discussed ways to move ahead in slowing and coping with climate change, but no one sees a grand global deal anywhere on the horizon “

“(…) no one is expecting or anticipating in any way a legal treaty to be done at Cancun this year.” This situation is puzzling as there are many reasons to act fast and big.

Indeed, the economic situation since 2009 worsened or remained the same in much of the developed nations, which are emitting the most greenhouse gases. I recently noted that youth unemployment hits record highs.

Meanwhile, studies have shown that Europe can cut its CO2 emissions by 30 percent below 1990 levels and that even America could do the same. Both could create millions of jobs.

Many countries around the world were stricken since the beginning of  the year by extreme weather phenomenon and some are thinking that the climate is becoming crazy. The fires in Russia acted locally as a wake up call…

But still, nothing or little has been done to avert the triple crisis. We still need green jobs, and this more than ever !

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