European Union to exceed its renewables goals

Good news everyone ! To Cleantechies : ” The European Union will exceed its target of meeting 20 percent of its energy needs from renewable sources by 2020 (…). Twenty-five of the 27 EU nations will meet or exceed their national targets. “

This comes from a report from the European Wind Energy Association which notes that wind will be behind the vast majority of the electricity provided by renewables with 14 percent. This is quite a lot.

After checking among the 900+ articles in my database, this is not entirely new as the European Commission itself announced it in March 2010.

This kind of story reminds me that Europe can – and even mustcut its CO2 emissions by 30 percent. This is feasible by investing more in cleantech and alternative energy.

Renewable energy sources aren’t the only solution at our disposal : efficiency can enable us to reach these goals as the potential is just gigantic.

Nuclear may also enable us to cut further our reliance on dirty fossil fuels like coal.

If we want to get a chance in competing in these promising markets, this is our only chance…

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