
Graphene can be produced by sugar

I once wrote that aerogel – a great insulating material, 37 times more insulating that fiberglass – can be made of rice husks, a common byproduct of the most eaten cereal in the world. Now it seems that graphene – a highly conductible and resistant material that could literally revolutionize electronics and computers – can […]

Graphene can be produced by sugar Read More »

Aerogel now sold as an insulating material

For my 750th post here I would like to announce something that was close to my heart since my first article on that topic : aerogel – a fantastic material – is now sold to the general public for insulation purposes. It is abbsolutely stunning  as it is up to eight times more efficient that

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Aerogel, the future of insulating materials

By reading Ecogeek I get to know aerogel, a material that insulates 37 times more than fiberglass. The latter is largely used to insulate houses nowadays. Aerogel is the lightest solid known, extremely resistant, great for soundproofing, and yes, still very expensive : 1,300 USD (approx 800 €) per pound. But a team of researchers

Aerogel, the future of insulating materials Read More »