
6.5 million people ( and I )

This is the amount of people that are currently working in the renewable energy industries according to a recent report from the IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency ) Bioenergy ( everything from liquid biofuels to modern biomass and biogas ) have the largest contingency with 2.5 million people (with 1.4 million, 0.8 million and 0.3

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Teen boost efficiency of algae-based biofuels

What were you doing when you were 17-year old ? Sara Volz, A Colorado, USA, teen created a biofuel lab in her bedroom. Even better, she developed more efficient algae that produce higher oil content just by selecting them artificially. This is seen as an important boost to algae based biofuels. It was done with

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For algae biofuels, it’s all about patience

Will your car – or mine, or any vehicle – be powered one day by algae ? Despite this solution being a great one compared to more traditional biofuels, we will have to be (really) patient as GigaOM notes : ” In 2010, Pike Research predicted that by 2020, the algae biofuel industry would only

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Oil prices : from a recession to another

To the prestigious International Energy Agency :” If oil averages USD 120 per barrel in 2012, the global oil import burden  is set to reach a record high of over USD 2 trillion, or USD 5.5 billion per day “ Their press release goes on : ” The current price levels are on average higher

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Research on algae biofuels is booming

If traditional / first generation biofuels based on cereals are nowhere near being sustainable, the ones based on algae could be a good or even great solution in the not so far future… Some entrepreneurs and scientists are sharing this opinion as the New Mexico Business Weekly reports than at least three different companies are

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European Union overestimated the role of biofuels

To the New York Times green blog : ” The European Union is overestimating the reductions in greenhouse gas emissions achieved through reliance on biofuels as a result of a “serious accounting error” Here is further evidence that biofuels aren’t really the answer we are looking for. If you have been reading this blog for

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Is this the beginning of the end for biofuels ?

To TreeHugger : “A measure that would remove roughly $6 billion in annual ethanol subsidies just passed the U.S. Senate, signaling, among other things, a shift in public attitude towards the once-heralded alternative fuel. ” It wasn’t so long ago that corn ethanol was considered a plausible replacement for oil – but that was before

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IPCC : Renewables could answer 77% of our needs

This week was published another new landmark report from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This one is focusing on renewable energies as no less than 164 scenario where studied. You may have read it, one of them notes that energy sources like solar, wind and biomass could answer up to 77 % of

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Cleantech : 2001-2010 and 2010-2020

Cleantechnica got another interesting article, this time on what the past ten years meant to cleantech and what the next ten years could bring. The occasion is given by Clean Edge’s market research. ” With growth rates like seen in the telephone industry (…) during comparable revolutions, clean energy options like solar and wind have

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