Cleantech arms race

Nicaragua develops its renewable energy potential

According to El Pais, Nicaragua and its six million inhabitants could get 90 % of its electricity from renewables by 2020. To date, the country is already getting 58 percent of its electricity from clean sources. Enjoying huge amounts of sun and wind it could also benefit from large reserves of geothermal energy. Indeed, if […]

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China unveils huge wind energy plans

Here are some great news for climate and quite bad news for America and Europe : China unveiled last week massive wind energy plans. The People’s Republic is willing to seriously expand the renewable energy industry. Indeed from the current 40 GW of capacity, it is planning to reach ” 200 GW, 400 GW and

China unveils huge wind energy plans Read More »

China to increase – again – its efforts

The situation is critical in the People’s Republic of China as everyday it is becoming more and more evident than business-as-usual scenario would doom the country, and the world. As the air pollution in Beijing is reaching truly horrifing levels the local government has called to ” reduce emissions of “major pollutants” by as much

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EU backs away from 30% emissions target. Again !

We have previously seen here that the European Union could easily achieve a 30 percent reduction of greenhouse gases emissions by 2020 (compared to 1990 levels). This would make a lot of sense both environmentally and economically. Yet the European Commission kept earlier this month on clinging to the 20 percent reduction targets by 2020

EU backs away from 30% emissions target. Again ! Read More »

Germany unveils bold energy plans

Here is a new post for CleanTechies : “Yesterday the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, announced a bold plan to slash the use of fossil fuels by 2050. The plan calls for renewable energy to supply 60% of the country’s energy needs by 2050. As the environment minister Norbert Röttgen stated, it is “the most ambitious

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China to take the lead in the cleantech arms race

It seems that at least one country clearly understood how cleantech is important, even vital in today’s and tomorrow’s world. Indeed, the People’s Republic of China is going full speed ahead at developing all clean energy sources. On June 19 it revealed a $738 billion dollar plan – 545 billion euros – to develop cleaner

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Which countries are taking the lead in the low carbon economy ?

AccountAbility in association with the UNEP released their Climate Competitiveness Index 2010. This report analyses the progress of 95 countries accounting for similar shares of greenhouse gases emissions. To the CCI : ” (i)n spite of uncertainty surrounding international climate negotiations (…) One third of countries show promising gains in low carbon economic growth since

Which countries are taking the lead in the low carbon economy ? Read More »

Who’s winning the clean energy race ?

The PEW environment group published a fantastic study on the cleantech investment in the G20 in 2009. The largest economies, both developped and developping are very different in this economic sector. China overtook the United States in cleantech investments with more than $34 billion while the latter dedicated less than $19 billion. The European Union

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A 13 GW project of wind and solar for India

This week was unveiled what is perhaps to date the largest renewable energies project in the world. Indeed, an Indian company – Airvoice Group – plans to build 10 GW of  solar PV capacity and three GW of wind power. All these capacities are due to be built on various sites within the decade in

A 13 GW project of wind and solar for India Read More »

The Cleantech arms race continues

Earlier this year I was wondering if cleantech is the new arms race. I noted at the time that America, Europe and China are beginning to compete in such an important economic sector. A US study released last month shows that not only there is an arms race between the United States and Asian nations,

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