
Cleantech represents 2% of global energy

As Industry Intelligence Inc notes, cleantech is accelerating as the share of solar and wind energy and biofuels took 12 years to go from 0.5 to one percent of the global energy production but only six years to double that. In 2011, these energy sources accounted for 2.1 percent. The total emissions avoided are about

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How the EU could go for 30% emissions reduction

Yesterday I was fortunate to attend a conference given by Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet – known here by her initials, NKM –  the incumbent Minister for Ecology and Sustainable Development of France. Green causes are going forward in France as she is at the top of this most important Minister and I am sure that the many achievements

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A bad omen for the Cancun climate talks

You may not remember it, but the Copenhagen climate talks will be followed by a series of conferences in Cancun, Mexico between November 29 and December 10. Contrary to Copenhagen, little is currently said about the preparations. And the media aren’t encouraging. To AP : ” In two days of talks, major economic powers discussed

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Siemens’ European Green City Index

Europe is often considered at the forefront of the environmental scene as the EU keeps working on energy efficiency, renewables, biodiversity and other related issues. However not all countries are equal and so are their capital cities. Siemens published a study – the European Green City Index – which “measures and rates the environmental performance

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Which countries are taking the lead in the low carbon economy ?

AccountAbility in association with the UNEP released their Climate Competitiveness Index 2010. This report analyses the progress of 95 countries accounting for similar shares of greenhouse gases emissions. To the CCI : ” (i)n spite of uncertainty surrounding international climate negotiations (…) One third of countries show promising gains in low carbon economic growth since

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Are we intelligent enough to prevent climate change ?

I really liked The Revenge of Gaia and have a profound respect for its author, the famous scientist and environmental thinker James Lovelock and this, even if I find him particularly pessimistic. This won’t change as for his first interview in a long time and after the huge failure of the Copenhagen climate summit, Lovelock believes

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The huge failure of the Copenhagen conference

The Copenhagen climate conference failed in preparing the future of the Kyoto Protocol. This is even more enraging as at first positive signs kept on piling : the United States and  many developing nations proclamed they would act. I saw it coming as still too many are elected representatives around the world that don’t understand the benefits a

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The Copenhagen climate conference explained

If like many people you don’t understand much about the Copenhagen climate conference which begins today, I have some posts that will help you understand what it’s all about. TreeHugger explains in ten points how we could reach a successful agreement and Good also proposed a series of articles : a primer, the introduction,  the

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Follow the Copenhagen negotiations

For the duration of the Copenhagen Climate Conference – due to prepare the future of the Kyoto Protocol – I added to the sidebar of this blog the Climate Scoreboard proposed by Climate Interactive. To the graph the business as usual scenario would increase temperatures by 4.8°C by 2100, current proposals would bring increase in

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