Electric cars

Can China’s emissions actually peak in 2024 ?

As the world’s largest greenhouse gases emitter, China’s actions on climate change are paramount to our common survival. Lucky us, not only things are trending in the right direction, they are also accelerating in both energy generation and transportation.

Can China’s emissions actually peak in 2024 ? Read More »

Oil prices reach 114 USD a barrel

Oops, we did it again. Oil prices are again on the rise and reached recently $114 a barrel. This is their highest levels since 2008. Fears of current events in Iraq are explaining this. As Bloomberg noted : ” The international benchmark surged above $114 on June 13 for the first time in nine months

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Worth an article : My July & August 2013 tweets

If you have been away from Twitter and your environmental news sources for all summer, here is the perfect article to know what were the most important news besides the ones I covered here. Given this selection I believe it is safe to say we are reaching tipping points for both the seriousness of our

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ZOE electric car does 1,000 miles in 24 hours

If you are feeling range anxiety regarding electric cars, rejoice. One of Renault’s electric cars, the ZOE, has been tested for 24 hours and it was able to go for almost one thousand miles (1,600 km) during this period. Of course, it had been recharged nine times, but the ZOE did better than the Nissan

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Oil refining : another reason to prefer electric cars

While browsing my tweets of January and February, I found an interesting article giving a new reason of why electric cars and vehicles in general are great and necessary in a low carbon economy. Indeed, removing the need for oil not only reduces greenhouse gases emissions from the burning of that said oil, but also

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