green New Deal

Killing King Coal is the First Step Towards Halving Our Emissions

As I have spent some sleepless nights since the latest IPCC report on how Mankind has to halve its carbon emissions by 2030. For both the European Union and the United States of America, the first step in doing so is killing King Coal. As we shall see, this is already currently happening, it is the moral […]

Killing King Coal is the First Step Towards Halving Our Emissions Read More »

European Energy ministers to meet this week

Some great people are making a difference. Among them is Alice Stollmeyer, one of my most recent “discoveries” on Twitter. Alice is an independent energy policy advisor and specialist in European public affairs. Her first blog post is on the incoming European Energy ministers meeting which will take place between Wednesday and Friday in Denmark.

European Energy ministers to meet this week Read More »

Spineless leaders and our common collapse

Let’s talk about the current economic and financial downturn, shall we ? With my educational background in international management, I am following the events quite closely. Besides, I am personally concerned by the economic situation… If I have been referring to a triple crisis for some time now, Thomas L Friedman from the New York

Spineless leaders and our common collapse Read More »

Precarity is another reason for a green New Deal

I seldom write about social or economic issues on this blog as I am more prone to tackle environmental ones, and this even if they are part of the sustainable development triptych. But each time I blog about social topics it seems I am watching Rom burn and collapse. My last post here was on

Precarity is another reason for a green New Deal Read More »

The triple crisis : why we need green jobs

I believe we are beginning this decade with a triple crisis as our economies are crumbling, our climate is warming and our energy supplies are getting scarcer. This assessment of our situation seems pessimistic but it couldn’t be more accurate as it is based on the +700 articles I published here over the past three years.

The triple crisis : why we need green jobs Read More »

India rejects carbon reduction plans

According to the Financial Times : ” India on Sunday night rebuffed an appeal (…) to embrace a low-carbon future in which the two countries would work together to devise new ways of consuming and producing energy. “ This puzzles me as I am sure the world’s largest democracy could with the proper government incentives

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The Grenelle could create up to 600,000 jobs

Les Echos [Fr], the French leading financial newspaper brought my attention to a study published by the Boston Consulting Group stating that the Grenelle de l’environnement could create up to 600,000 jobs in France in the very next years. The majority of the job creations are due to occur in the building sector as up

The Grenelle could create up to 600,000 jobs Read More »

Cleantech investments quadrupled since 2004

The United Nations published this week a compelling report on the investments in the green energy / clean tech sector last year. This shows that a real green New Deal is under way. No less than $155 billion (110 billion €) have been invested last year in low carbon energy sources and efficiency. All this

Cleantech investments quadrupled since 2004 Read More »

Spain is going green

By reading the French daily Le Monde, I came across an interesting interview [Fr] of the Spanish Prime Minister, M. Zapatero. There he stated that one of the solutions to get his country out of economic trouble is green growth. Several other countries including the United States, China and South Korea already did so and

Spain is going green Read More »