Economie circulaire, sciences et science fiction, en direct des Utopiales 2022.

Le week-end dernier avait lieu à Nantes le rendez-vous incontournable des passionnés de sciences et des férus de science-fiction : les Utopiales. Cette édition 2022 était particulièrement marquée par les thématiques des nombreuses limites et transitions auxquelles nos sociétés font face. La dernière conférence à laquelle j’ai assisté dimanche était particulièrement fascinante : « Remplaçons la ligne

Economie circulaire, sciences et science fiction, en direct des Utopiales 2022. Read More »

IPCC solutions to a warming world are cheap

I reported recently that the IPCC is publishing this year its fifth assessment report (AR5). The last working group has published its own report and it has come to the climate change solutions we have to put in place. The good news is : it’s going to be really cheap, only a mere, tiny, itsy bitsy 0.06

IPCC solutions to a warming world are cheap Read More »

IPCC fifth report is a stark warning

As you perhaps know, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is publishing in 2014 its fifth Assessment Report. If the fourth, published in 2007, was a strong warning against business as usual, the latest one is even more serious. Today the Working Group II considered ” the vulnerability and exposure of human and natural systems,

IPCC fifth report is a stark warning Read More »

The IPCC latest report is out

You must have heard or read about it : Friday, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has published the first part of its latest report. The results are even more frightening than in 2007 and stress how urgent action is needed. Now the IPCC is between 95 percent sure that most of the warming is

The IPCC latest report is out Read More »

On biomass energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS)

If my Friday post got you down, this might cheer you up a little bit. After the study quoted three weeks ago, another one states that we could actually limit rising temperatures to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. But we have to act FAST. This one was carried out by the Climate Action Network and Climate

On biomass energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) Read More »

Japan set ambitious 2050 goals, feed-in tariffs

Japan seems to become pretty serious about climate change as it will soon make official a law mandating for 80 percent cuts of greenhouse gases emissions  by 2050 (compared to 1990, just in line with IPCC recommendations) Not totally unrelated to these most commendable goals, the country enacted generous feed-in tariffs for solar, wind and

Japan set ambitious 2050 goals, feed-in tariffs Read More »