
Frightening food quantities frittering away

To the UNEP : “The waste of a staggering 1.3 billion tonnes of food per year is not only causing major economic losses but also wreaking significant harm on the natural resources that humanity relies upon to feed itself. “ 1.3 billion tonnes of food ! This has profound repercussions on our world as it

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IEA presents four energy policies to keep Earth cool

As I noted last week, the prestigious International Energy Agency reported that despite some emission reductions from the United States and Europe, the world keeps on spewing more and more gigatonnes of greenhouse gases. Luckily, the IEA proposes in its latest report four energy policies that would cut by eight percent the 2020 emissions compared

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A 1.5°C temperature rise could be game over for our civilization

Oooops ! According to Cleantechies, a 1.5°C temperature rise ” could unleash more than 1,000 gigatons of carbon and methane currently trapped beneath Siberian permafrost and accelerate global climate change. “ 1.5°C is considered as the low level of potential climate warming to date. This is even more worrying as such quantities of greenhouse gases

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Food waste : a HUGE issue

According to a new study by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers “Between 30 and 50 percent of all the food that’s produced on the planet is lost and wasted without ever reaching human stomachs.” Treehugger wrote a compelling article on how this is such a huge and awful waste as there are still hundred of

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Composting matters

Within my current involvement with the local JCI, I have been collecting information about biodegradable waste and composting. This is a question of importance as more than 30 percent of French waste could be biodegradable. Meanwhile, recyclable waste – paper, cartons, glasses – represent just one percent more and are sorted out and recycled. I

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Here come the toilets of the future

Here is a smelly question : why are we putting together what Nature separates ? This is the question asked by a Swedish researcher about toilets. Putting urine and feces together is not a good idea as it is simply a waste of resources. Moreover, flushing with liters and liters of perfectly drinkable water is

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G8 leaders agree to act on climate, air pollution

Are we finally getting things right on climate change ? Not completely, but what happened last week may be a good omen for the Rio +20 conference. As I noted in a post published yesterday on Cleantechies : ” Further to the Camp David meeting last week, G8 leaders agreed to act on climate change

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