The European Union already cut its emissions by 23 percent

While the European Union officials – not ” leaders ” – keep on clinging to 20 % emissions reductions by 2020, the Union has already slashed its emissions by 23 percent. This is taking place ahead of the Paris Climate Conference later this year.

The European Union already cut its emissions by 23 percent Read More »

United Kingdom to build two EPR nuclear reactors

Would you buy two examples of a very expensive and complex product that nobody has ever seen functioning ? The most likely answer is ” No “. Yet that’s exactly what the United Kingdom did buy buying Monday two EPR reactors. The European Pressurized Reactor  is an evolution of third generation nuclear reactors. It was

United Kingdom to build two EPR nuclear reactors Read More »

Tapping into local renewables : the Côte d’Opale

A couple of weeks ago I went to Boulogne sur Mer and visited the marvellous Côte d’Opale. I had two great summer days between Boulogne and Calais and strongly recommend this little trip if you are looking for enchanting places. A thing that struck me there is the quantity of wind there is almost all

Tapping into local renewables : the Côte d’Opale Read More »

An innovative idea to push for building retrofits.

Houses and building energy efficiency is a hot topic for me since I wrote my Master’s thesis on it back to 2006. Then I discovered that France had no less than 20 million buildings to insulate ( not bad for a country with 65 million inhabitants ) Now according to the Guardian, the UK Green

An innovative idea to push for building retrofits. Read More »

European emissions decreased by 2.1 percent in 2012

After a quite long hiatus, here is a new article I wrote for Cleantechies. In this one we see how the European Union has almost reached its emissions goals for 2020 and what should be done now. Here is the introduction : ” According to the latest statistics from Eurostat, greenhouse gases emissions in the

European emissions decreased by 2.1 percent in 2012 Read More »

The huge cost of traffic congestion

Cleantech and sustainability is not only about energy efficiency and renewables, it is also about how we move around. So my latest piece for Cleantechies is about traffic congestion. Here is the introduction : ” According to a new study carried out by the English Centre of Economics and Business, traffic congestion in the United

The huge cost of traffic congestion Read More »